Dark Match
Savio Vega defeated Bob Backlund
Razor Ramon and Marty Jannetty defeated The 1-2-3 Kid and Sycho Sid
Ahmed Johnson defeated Buddy Landel with Dean Douglas
Special Guest Referee Arkansas Hog Pen Match
Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeated Henry Godwinn
Referee: Hillbilly Jim
Owen Hart with Jim Cornette defeated Diesel via disqualification
Casket Match
Undertaker with Paul Bearer defeated King Mabel with Sir Mo
WWF Championship Match
Bret "Hitman" Hart defeated The British Bulldog with Jim Cornette and Diana Hart-Smith
Dark Match
Goldust defeated Duke "the dumpster" Droese
Dark Match
The Smokin' Gunns, Hakushi, and Barry Horowitz defeated The Bodydonnas, Yokozuna, and Isaac Yankem with Mr. Fuji